The seasons are changing, and with that, we get plenty of goodness from the orchards.

Orchard fruits are at their best, and so, we have a beautiful recipe for you to try. 

Poached fruit is such a simple recipe, and the bonus is the syrupy liquid that's leftover works so well in a cocktail or a base for mulled wine – yes, we are thinking about that already.

Here it is, Poached orchard fruit, enjoy… 


  • 500ml water

  • 225g caster or granulated sugar

  • Flavour makers – this is where you can use up some bits and pieces from the fridge, fruit bowl or spice rack – add some of these, between three and five we recommend...

    • A lemon (sliced in half)

    • Bay leaf

    • Cinnamon

    • Peppercorns 

    • Vanilla

    • A glass of wine (red or white will be fine, even better if there is a little lurking in the fridge)

    • Herbs - thyme or rosemary

  • Some poaching fruit such as plums, apples or pears

 (apples and pears will need peeling prior to poaching)


  1. Add sugar and water to a saucepan and bring to boil (this is your stock syrup)

  2. As your stock syrup is heating, add your additional flavours you have chosen, and reduce the heat when the liquid has boiled to a simmer

  3. At this stage, taste the liquid. You are looking for a strong, sweet, delicious flavour. Don't be shy with those additional flavours; throw some more in if you feel they have a place!

  4. Now it's time to add your fruit. If you are poaching plums, they will be fairly quick. We recommend halving them and poaching them in the liquid for 4-5 minutes. Apples and pairs need to be peeled and will take 10-20 minutes depending on size. To know when each fruit is ready, you are looking for soft, tender fruit that you can easily push your spoon through.

    NOTE - If you have a lot of fruit to poach, you can increase the volume of your sugar and water., Or you can do it in batches if you wish.

  5. Remove from liquid when the fruit is tender and soft. Serve warm or cold with ice cream and toasted oats, the perfect combination.

But wait, here's the magic. We mentioned the liquid, and here is what you can do with it... You can sieve the poaching liquid and use it as a cocktail base to have with spirits. Pour a little of your favourite spirit with a little of the poaching liquid over ice, and add sparkling water or tonic.

Or save it for later as a base for that mulled wine we mentioned. You can freeze the liquid and use it when required.

Trying it out? Let us know how you get on!



